Application for Club Charter - Crafton Hills College
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Every Crafton Hills College Student has the right and opportunity to create a Student Organization, as long as it does not completely replicate or conflict with an existing CHC Student organization.

Contact Information

For any questions pertaining to the Student Organization Charter Packet or for general questions, comments and concerns, please feel free to contact the Student Senate or Department of Student Life. 

Department of Student Life: 909-389-3410 

Zachary Cortz, M.S.: Student Engagement Specialist 

Ericka Paddock, Ed.D: Associate Dean of Student Services, Student Life


Purpose and Expectations

Please review the following information. The President of the organization must acknowledge that the information below has been read and understood.


At CHC, student clubs and organizations are chartered through the Student Senate and their information is held in the Department of Student Life. The mission of the Department of Student Life is to provide a welcoming and safe social environment that intentionally engages campus members in the college life by offering co-curricular opportunities that facilitate leadership development.                         


Benefits provided to chartered student organizations include campus space for meetings, events and fundraisers, at no cost, eligibility for funding through the Student Senate, and the ability set up an account through the San Bernardino Community College District. 


Each student organization is required to submit and maintain an organized constitution. This constitution should define the general operations, membership criteria and election procedures for the organization. Sample constitutions are available in the Student Senate office. The most current copy of the constitution should be on file in the Department of Student Life. Any amendments made to the constitution should be submitted to the Student Senate office no later than two weeks after the amendment has been passed. Every organization must include and comply with the non-discrimination policy, which includes: race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, marital status, gender, citizenship, and disability. 

Current Information

If for any reason the current on file information, constitution, by-laws, or any other pertinent information changes throughout the academic year, it is the responsibility of the student organization President to submit the updates to the Department of Student Life within 2 weeks of the changes. Clubs may be asked to submit a contact information form, including but not limited to member names, email addresses and student ID numbers. Students ID #’s are optional and are used to provide data that will improve services and programs offered by the Department of Student Life. 


This charter serves as the annual statement by the President and their Advisor attesting that the organization has no rules or policies which discriminate on the basis of race, religion, natural origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. 

Student Organization Advisor Requirement

All student organizations must have a current CHC faculty or classified staff member as an advisor. CHC Students and Student Senators cannot be advisors of a student organization. The advisor role is a voluntary position whose role is to assist the organization in achieving its goals and objectives by providing a liaison between Crafton Hills College and the organization. 

Minimum Membership Standards

Official recognition of a student organization requires a minimum of five members and should include three (3) officers, a President, a Treasurer and/or Secretary, and/or the choice of any other officer. The three officers are included in the minimum of five members. Only currently students enrolled at CHC may obtain membership and vote on issues that come before the student organization.

How the Constitution is Adopted and Amended

In lieu of a constitution, the student will answer the questions listed in the electronic charter form. Submission of the form implies that the student organization has met, and agreed to adopt the information provided.

The Definition of Quorum

Following the ASG Bylaws, the Student Organization will hold meetings only when quorum has
been reached. This is defined as the presence of half of the active elected and appointed club
members, plus one (an evident majority).

For example, if there are 10 members in the club, six must be present.

The Membership Requirements for the Organization, Including Qualifications

In accordance with the California Education Code, the Student Organization will hold members
to the same eligibility requirements as the Associated Student Government. This requires:

  • A minimum of five units per semester
  • A scholastic achievement of a minimum 2.0 GPA

Eligibility Requirements. Restrictions Should Be Spelled Out Clearly.

In accordance with the ASG Bylaws, the Student Organization will hold members to the same
eligibility requirements as the Associated Student Government. This includes:

  • A minimum of five units per semester
  • A scholastic achievement of a minimum 2.0 GPA

Restrictions to membership will be applied as a result of the failure to meet the minimum

The Powers of the Organization and When the Principal/School Administrator has the Power to

The student organization has the power to decide the events held, activities, time, date, and
location, as well as how to allocate club resources, including funds and personnel.

The advisor has the power to veto any decisions that violate the SBCCD board policies, SBCCD
student code of conduct, campus regulations, or other relevant decisions that would place any
student, the district, or campus in jeopardy.

General Info

Please write in grammatically correct, well-formed sentences and check your spelling. This information will be cut and pasted onto your club's web page.

Web Site and Promotional Info

Please provide a short marketing blurb to promote your club. This will be used on your club page and the club listings page. These should be addressed to potential members.


  • Come join us for adventures in physics.
  • Grab your calculator and let's do some math!
  • Are you looking for a place to hone your storytelling skills and chare creative feedback? Find your people in the Creative Writing Club.

e.g. every Tuesday at 10 a.m.


Please provide the date of elections in this format (Year, semester, etc. )

President's Info
Vice President's Info
Treasurer's Info
Secretary Info
Member's Name
Primary Advisor (If applicable)
Secondary Advisor (If applicable)
Statement of Agreement

All officers, members and advisors agree to: 

  • Appoint a student representative to attend Inter-Club Council (ICC) meetings which are to be held on dates and locations determined by the ICC officers. If a student representative is unable to attend an ICC meeting, please contact CHC Student Senate to arrange a one on one meeting with either ICC Officer.
  • Have a membership that consists of a minimum of five currently enrolled CHC students (required for chartering). For clubs with memberships greater than five, at least 75 percent of the additional members must also be currently enrolled CHC students.
  • Have a Club Advisor present at all meetings and official functions.
  • Comply with the non-discrimination policy.


Upon Student Senate approval, charter shall be in effect until August 31 of the following year.

Term limits on the student council, procedures for removal of officers, and procedures for filling vacated offices.
How and when the budget is prepared.
How expenses are approved.

The budget approval process and information about how the budget will be monitored and

Clubs will determine the best way to administer their own budgets and allocate funds.

How representatives Other than Officers Will be Selected
Description and Duties of Officer Positions

Suggested Text: The duties of a club president include leading meetings, overseeing club operations, and representing the club.

Suggested text: The duties of a club vice president include supporting the president in managing club operations, overseeing events, and coordinating with members.

Suggested text: The duties of a club secretary include maintaining accurate records of meetings, managing club correspondence, and handling administrative tasks.

Suggested text: The duties of a college club treasurer include managing the club’s finances, tracking expenses and income, and preparing budgets. Information