Attend a Workshop or Event - Crafton Hills College
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List all fall 2023 workshops

Workshop Descriptions

Choose My Pathway – Major & Career Decision: Assess your talents, skills, interests, and values and connect them to possible major/career options. Emphasis on decision making & career planning.

Create a Career Plan: This workshop will help you learn steps to take to develop a career plan based on your major selection. Your career plan may include a timeline, education, internship, and other opportunities to ensure that you are creating a path that will lead to career success.

Developing Your Brand:  Learn techniques to help identify your strengths, skills and qualities that make you the best candidate and why you should be hired.  Communicate your brand in a variety of mediums to employers.

Employability Skills: Explore the ten necessary soft skills needed to be successful at your job ranging from communication skills to creative problem solving to even time management. Earn a digital badge recognized by some employers

How to Find an Internship: This workshop will help you learn the importance of internships and how to secure an internship to help you build your skills for a particular industry area.

How a Major Works: This workshop is for the student who wants to better understand how a major works and how to connect a major to potential careers.  Ultimately, a student will learn what areas to consider when picking a major to meet their academic and career goals.  

How to Talk to Employers:  Learn key skills and techniques on how to communicate your skills, interests, and hireable qualities to an employer. Utilize these skills for job fairs, networking, and interviewing. 

Interviewing Techniques: How to prepare/dress for an interview & the basic techniques for how to interview properly.

Job Search Strategies: How to prepare & search for a job in many facets & learn the basics of completing a job application.

Resume Writing: Learn critical techniques on how to prepare a standard resume.

What Can I Do With this Major:  Become aware of various areas within the major you can pursue your career. Also learn how to develop a strategic plan to pursue a career within the major and seek out typical employers for internships, part-time or full-time employment. 

