Employer Services - Crafton Hills College
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Hello and thank you for your interest in hiring Crafton Hills College students!

The Crafton Hills Career Services utilizes an online job search posting system for both students and employers!

Please utilize our site, JobSpeaker to post your jobs and/or internships.

This portal provides employers with the following:

  • Post positions at anytime
  • Change application/hiring dates/job description information
  • Copy and repost positions when you need to

To create your new account please follow these few steps:

  1. Create your New Account by clicking on this link: JobSpeaker
    1. Once in the website, click on Sign-in top right corner. 
    2. A login screen will pop up, see the green button under “Need an Account”
    3. After you have completed the form, click “Sign-Up”
  2. Wait for Approval – (About 24-48 hours)
  3. Once approval has been granted, you can post student jobs available in your company/department!