Hands On ASL - Crafton Hills College
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Hungry for a new language? Come and learn ASL and Deaf Culture with snacks!


Deaf Culture, audism, Deaf awareness, how we can be a part of Deaf culture while spreading awareness through fun activities and educational opportunities and field trips. Participating in Deaf community events, hosting fundraisers and raising money for ASL Club.


  • Movie nights,
  • bake sales,
  • ASL club fundraisers, possible ASL club shirts
  • deaf event trips organized within the club,
  • volunteer with deaf events and possibly Riverside school for the deaf.
  • Participating in club rush events and other club events on campus.


1st and 3rd Thursdays from 3 PM - 4 PM Meeting Location: CNTL 307



Thalia Radillo
Email: t.radillo7496@student.sbccd.edu

Primary Advisor

Butch Zein
Email: gzein@craftonhills.edu
Phone: 9093751435