Standard I, Mission and Institutional Effectiveness

Character 1: The ALO Character
Frame 1-6, Character 1, singing with her mouth open
Frame 1
Is the tail that wags the dog
Driving integrated planning
and the campus dialogue
Frame 2
Like a rhizomatic plant form
Buried deep
Within the soil
Major college planning structures
Towards each other strive and roil
Frame 3
Is the box we live within
Unit planning forms the corners
college planning forms the skin
Frame 4
Every action is connected
With the district's master scheme
All of which are linked to standards
Intersecting each main theme!
Frame 5
Is a scourge upon the land
All my emails go unanswered
My work station goes unmanned
If this process ever ends
Guess I'll finally understand
Frame 6
Why Olympic athleeeetes
Want to go to Disneylaaaaand!