Hannah Sandy

Dr. Hannah Sandy -
Coordinator of Health and Wellness
In what year were you born, and what if any significant event took place during this
year for Black Americans?
I was born in 1960
Where were you born?
Sierra Leone, West Africa
Describe your family.
I am the eldest of 12 children. I spent my early years with my great aunt and uncle
together with lots of cousins. It was a small loving community of about 10 houses
and I did not miss my divorced mom and dad.
Do you have siblings?
Yes. I have two brothers of the same parents and 7 step-brothers and sisters on my
mom’s side and two step-sisters on my dad’s side.
What major world events happened during your childhood?
Sierra Leone, as well as several West African countries, gained independence from
the British Colony.
Describe the neighborhood where you grew up.
A small community of less than fifty people, warm, loving and caring. The adults took
turns working in each other’s farms and the children helped with chores of carrying
water from the stream. Life was simple and unassuming. One delicious meal was guaranteed
every evening. The kids ate left overs in the morning. Everybody cared for everybody
and no one went to bed hungry.
If your family has moved (to a different country or state), please describe when and
why your family made that move.
My immediate family (husband, children and I) migrated to the U.S. 20 years ago. I
had a scholarship from the world bank to study for a Master’s degree in Public Health.
Due to civil war, we couldn’t return at the end of my program and were given protected
status (kind of like refugee status) and eventually became American citizens.
Do you consider yourself to be someone that positively impacts society? If yes, how?
I believe so. I am a nurse and enjoy helping people feel better. I hope I have impacted
students here at Crafton Hills College.
How would you define racism?
A perception of being better than or less than based on color of one’s skin.
How has racism impacted your life?
I have not allowed it to! Not that I don’t see it – like when my white friend, Nicole,
and I went to pick up our lab exam papers in nursing school and the white technician
automatically handed the higher scored paper to Nicole and the lower score to me.
I was amused at the surprise on her face when Nicole said it wasn’t hers but mine.
What was school like for you? Best and worst memories?
I have always loved school. I walked over two miles to and from school each day from
my small community in Sierra Leone and I did not miss a day except for being really
ill. I loved knowledge (and still do) and school was the fountain that quenched that
thirst for knowledge. I had such good memories of school, I really don’t remember
much of the bad ones.
What are you most proud of in your life? What is your greatest accomplishment?
I am proud of my wonderful family and my academic success
What advice would you give to young people today?
Work hard, be honest, be positive and remember “this too shall pass!”
Was education your first career choice?
Yes! Yes! And Yes!
How has education made a difference in your life and that of your family?
Education has carved paths in my life that I never thought possible. I have crossed
oceans, conquered adversity and consider myself and family well placed in life, thanks
to education and a strong hold on God!
Are you the first person in your immediate family to earn a college degree?
What were your families’ views of school beyond K-12?
Girls were supposed to be married off and have kids.
How long did it take you to get the last degree you earned?
Hmmm, let’s see – I have 2 bachelor’s degrees, 2 master’s degrees and a doctorate
all in only 14 years spanning over 29 years! Did I tell you I like school???
Did your parents or someone important in your life have "the talk" with you?
My dad told me I could be anything I wanted to be and that as long as I wanted to
go to school he will not marry me off even though he had an offer from a diamond guru
to marry me off at age 13! Boy am I thankful I have a dad like him!
How did you feel the day Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United
I was proud to be an American!
How long have you been working at Crafton Hills College?
3 years as the Coordinator for Health and Wellness.