Hispanic Heritage Profile: Brian E Romero - Crafton Hills College
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Brian Romero
Adjunct Professor, Philosophy at Crafton Hills College

What is your Latino heritage (ex: Guatemalan, Mexican, or Puerto Rican)?

Salvadorian (From El Salvador)

Has your family always lived in the United States? If not, when did your family migrate to the United States?

I, along with my older sister and younger brother, were born and raised in Southern California. My parents migrated from El Salvador during the late '70s due to strong political tension growing and increasing human rights violations occurring in El Salvador.

What do you like most about your Hispanic culture and why?

The stark focus on family and relationships, as well as the gathering together around our culturally-defined food.

Tell us what you like most about Crafton Hills College and why.

As a professor, I recognize that Crafton stands out for its spirit of growing diversity amongst its staff and students. The college recognizes the need for student persistence but especially among Hispanic students. Where hard work and family are strongly emphasized in Hispanic culture, sadly education is hardly emphasized, if ever. Crafton Hills recognizes this sociological issue along with the economic hardships many Hispanic families face and adjusts its programs, grants and classes to accommodate hard working Hispanics and helps promote a better quality of life through education.

What are your hobbies outside of Crafton?

My twitter handle says it all: I love to read, mountain bike, workout at the gym and enjoy good food and drinks with family and friends.

Describe one obstacle you have faced in your life?

Overcoming negative thinking. I can be a real pessimist at times and always find myself worrying and preparing for the worst rather than looking at every situation as an adventure and new feat to conquer.

Describe one of your greatest achievements (academic or personal)?

I would say my greatest achievement is both personal and academic – which is being able to teach philosophy at the college level. It was my academic goal in grad school and I can say that it is a goal that I have reached. It is also a personal accomplishment. Grad school and teaching as a professor are trying; both test a person's psyche and challenges one at his/her very core. I have met many much stronger and smarter Philosophers who have hung up their dreams simply because they couldn’t see the hard work paying off. To be able to say I am a college professor demonstrates a personal victory as a result of hard work and studying.

Where did you go to school?

I have a master's degree in philosophy from Biola University with an additional 40 graduate units in theological studies, having studied Hellenistic Greek, Old Testament, and New Testament Studies. I also earned bachelor's degrees in philosophy and English from UC Irvine.

Is there anything you would like to share?

Yes - something that was shared with me while in grad school. It is said to be successful at a specific task, or to become an expert in one's field, it takes a total of around 10,000 hours of practice. For some, it may take more time; others – it may take less. Talent and charisma can only take one so far – but hard work will take one the rest of the way. This gnomic saying has served me well. Every opportunity and every ounce of success I have had hasn't been at the hand of luck; it's been at the hand of thousands of hours of practice and surrounding myself with supportive friends and family.