Hispanic Heritage Profile: Ernesto Rivera - Crafton Hills College
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Ernesto Rivera
Counselor, STEM Transfer Services Coordinator

What is your position at Crafton Hills College (ex: Administrative Assistant, Counselor, Custodial, Professor…etc.)?

Counselor, STEM Transfer Services Coordinator

What is your Latino heritage (ex: Guatemalan, Mexican, or Puerto Rican)?


Has your family always lived in the United States? If not, when did your family migrate to the United States?

No, migrated in third grade.

What do you like most about your Hispanic culture and why?

Family gatherings: “It’s a fiesta every time music, food, chistes ‘jokes’… folklore.”

Tell us what you like most about Crafton and why.

I particularly like the small feel because you can go to everyone when you are helping a student (literally walk over). Everyone knows each other and it feels like a familia.

What are your hobbies outside of Crafton?


Describe one obstacle you have faced in your life?

Being a migrant student and traveling from South California to the Central Valley all through grade school was always a challenge but the positive attitude and mentality my parents inculcated prepared me for life.

Describe one of your greatest achievements (academic or personal)?

Being able to take time-off from my professional goals to help my father with his business.

Where did you go to school?

University of California, Riverside: B.S.

University of Redlands: M.A.

Is there anything you would like to share?

Quote: “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” –Mark Twain