Hispanic Heritage Profile: Esmeralda Vasquez - Crafton Hills College
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Esmeralda Vazquez
Crafton Hills College Student

What is your Hispanic heritage (ex: Guatemalan, Mexican, or Puerto Rican)?


Has your family always lived in the United States? If not, when did your family migrate to the United States?

No, they have not. My grandmother came to the states back in the ‘70s and my parents came in the ‘80s.

What do you like most about your Hispanic heritage and why?

I love the food! Along with the art, music and holidays.

What made you decide to attend college?

I want to provide a better life for my family. I want to be able to enjoy life, rather than worry about if we will have enough for food or for the rent tomorrow.

What is your current major?

I am majoring in Biology, in hopes to become a Special Education/ESL Teacher.

Where did you go to high school?

I attended Rialto High School.

Describe one obstacle you have faced while you have been a college student?

I have faced a huge financial problem. The only reason I have not quit is to show my sisters that no matter what hardships life presents to you, to always follow your dreams. There will be a brighter day.

What certifications/scholarships/honors have you received?

I have obtained my CNA license, along with special award recognitions for my community service.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I see myself teaching amazing students, traveling and being the owner of my own home.

Describe your favorite experience that you’ve had at Crafton Hills College?

I joined Student Senate this semester and that was my favorite experience. Being a part of such a wonderful group of people and branching out to acquire new skills and to better myself as a student and as a citizen in society has been an amazing experience.