Hispanic Heritage Profile: Jordan Montejano - Crafton Hills College
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Jordan Montejano
Crafton Hills College Student

What is your Hispanic heritage (ex: Guatemalan, Mexican, or Puerto Rican)?


Has your family always lived in the United States? If not, when did your family migrate to the United States?


What do you like most about your Hispanic heritage and why?

I enjoyed growing up while being exposed to a blend of different cultures. I was able to learn a lot from both
the Mexican and Caucasian sides of my family which has benefitted me greatly throughout the years.

What made you decide to attend college?

I decided to attend college because I want to be informed, skilled, and successful. College is necessary in order to fulfill my goal to teach English in Japan.

What is your current major?


Where did you go to high school?

I attended Canyon Springs High School from ninth to eleventh grade. I finished twelfth grade and graduated from Herbert Hoover High School in Glendale.

Describe one obstacle you have faced while you have been a college student?

In my first semester of college, I was given a D in my political science class. I brought this up with the teacher and discovered that the teacher gave me that grade because he simply disagreed with my opinion. I explained that this was unfair, but he did not waiver. I retook the class with a different teacher and was able to attain an A grade. What is the moral of this story? Pick your teachers carefully.

What certifications/scholarships/honors have you received?

Honor Roll and National Society of Honors while in high school. Glendale Latino Association Scholarship in the amount of five hundred dollars.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I see myself as an author, game designer, and English teacher.

Describe your favorite experience that you’ve had at Crafton Hills College?

My favorite experience I’ve had at Crafton Hills College occurs on a weekly basis. I am fortunate enough to be the President of Crafton Hills College Anime and Manga Club. Every Friday at 1pm in CNTL 1 304, I am able to meet with my friends who all share a common interest. We watch Anime, plan events and fundraisers, and relax at the end of the school week.