Students of the Year 2022 - Crafton Hills College
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Each year, Crafton Hills College Faculty and Staff honor the best and brightest students from their respective departments. These students come from all walks of life and stand out from their peers for a variety of reasons. Whether they have the highest grade, the strongest work ethic, are the first to help others, or exhibit some other unique characteristic, the College is extremely proud of these individuals and their contributions to our campus community. Congratulations to this year's honorees!


Students of the Year

Based on Faculty and Staff Nominations | Spring Semester 2022


Students of the Year 2022

Lucrecia Lopez

Lucrecia Lopez

Department of Psychology

Faculty Quote
"Ms Lopez was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles, California. She is a first generation college student. Lucrecia is also a mother of two and she also works part-time as an In-Home Support Services provider. Ms. Lopez is in the Psychology and Research Clubs as well and is currently Vice-President of the Psychology Club. She is held in high regard by others and is frequently found assisting other students. Her goal is to ultimately become a Clinical Psychologist working with trauma victims"
Nominated by Department of Psychology Faculty
Students of the Year 2022

Steve Rodriguez

Steve Rodriguez

Department of Radiologic Technology

Faculty Quote
"Steve is a Veteran who served our country. He went back to school to have an opportunity to provide a better life for himself and his family. He is very respectful and polite to everyone he encounters. He is an excellent student"
Nominated by Radiology Prof. Melissa Huynh
Students of the Year 2022

Adrian Toquero

Adrian Toquero

Department of English and Reading

Faculty Quote
"Outstanding academic performance, support for other students, and role as embedded tutor"
Nominated by Department of English and Reading Faculty
Students of the Year 2022

Cindy Akkari

Cindy Akkari

Department of EOPS

Faculty Quote
"Cindy is a rockstar! She is a highly motivated, responsible, and determined student.  She is graduating this Spring 2022 with 9 degrees and will be transferring to UC Riverside for Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering!  Yes, 9 degrees with rigorous math/science curriculum.  It is a big accomplishment for this young scholar, and I am proud of her. 

Cindy believes that through education, she will be able to reach the goals she has set for herself and become a role model for her siblings and others to emulate.

Cindy is grateful for her time in the EOPS Program.  She truly appreciates the services the EOPS Program has provided for her especially the counseling sessions.  She is grateful for the guidance she received throughout her academic journey at Crafton Hills College.

Her favorite phrase is, “Everything happens for a reason.” She said that this phrase is what’s keeping her moving forward.

Congratulations, Cindy!"

Nominated by Dept. of EOPS Faculty and Staff
Students of the Year 2022

Julia Avila

Julia Avila

Department of English and Reading

Faculty Quote
"Hard working, caring returning student"
Nominated by Department of English and Reading Faculty
Students of the Year 2022

Amr Bahjri

Amr Bahjri

Department of Student Life

Faculty Quote
"As this year’s Student Senate Outreach Director, Amr has consistently maintained the Student Senate Instagram page since August 2021. Despite his busy class schedule, being an Honors Ambassador, and working at the Tutoring Center, Amr is full of positivity. A true Roadrunner at heart, his dedication to Student Senate events, college activities, and overall school spirit are second to none. Congratulations, Amr!"
Nominated by Department of Student Life Director, Dr. Ericka Paddock
Students of the Year 2022

Amr Bahjri

Tutoring Center

Tutoring Center

Faculty Quote
"Amr is an incredible tutor, very humble, and just an overall great person to be around"
Nominated by Tutoring Center
Students of the Year 2022

Madeleine Boone

Madeleine Boone

Department of Student Life

Faculty Quote
"In her role as this year’s Student Senate President, Maddie established herself as a powerful student voice. She regularly attends meetings with the College Executive Team, the District Chancellor, and others to share her thoughts on ways to improve the class schedule, the need for more STEM course offerings, and more. We’re so proud of you Maddie: your energy and commitment are just a few reasons why you will always be successful!"
Nominated by Department of Student Life Director, Dr. Ericka Paddock
Students of the Year 2022

Jackson Bottorff

Jackson Bottorff

Department of Theatre Arts

Faculty Quote
"Jackson is one of the most promising student actors that I have ever had the honor of instructing and has displayed an amazing work ethic"
Nominated by Theatre Prof Paul Jacques
Students of the Year 2022

Clayton Carter

Clayton Carter

Department of History

Faculty Quote
"Mr. Clayton Carter was born in Oklahoma in 1943 and served honorably in the Army. He lives in Yucaipa and just started taking classes during the Spring 2022 semester. Having just met him, I admire his determination and desire to earn a degree. His attendance at Crafton Hills College shows me how our community comes together to help a student fulfill his lifelong dream. Keep pushing forward! Learning is for everyone, at any age. You are an inspiration!"
Nominated by History Prof. Sabrina Jimenez
Students of the Year 2022

Sean Ceballos

Sean Ceballos

Department of Student Life

Faculty Quote
"Sean is a champion for student rights. His passion for equity, approachable demeanor, sense of humor, and attention to detail as CHC's Student Senate Executive Assistant have garnered positive feedback from everyone who has worked alongside him this year. Sean is determined to create meaningful and inclusive student experiences for all. Here’s to you, Sean -the best is yet to come!"
Nominated by Department of Student Life Director, Dr. Ericka Paddock
Students of the Year 2022

Angellie Cristobal

Angellie Cristobal

Department of English and Reading

Faculty Quote
"Angie has displayed outstanding leadership skills as the President of the Multicultural Club. She is very involved in a variety of campus events and is an exceptional student”
Nominated by Department of English and Reading Faculty
Students of the Year 2022

Marcus Davis

Marcus Davis

Paramedic Program

Faculty Quote
"Part of the leadership team, Consistently high quiz scores, Always has a positive attitude and conducts himself in a professional manner, eager to learn, Works hard in the skills lab and helps other when he can, Volunteered for the program oral interviews for Class 99"
Nominated by Paramedic Program Faculty and Staff
Students of the Year 2022

Sierra Diaz

Sierra Diaz

Department of American Sign Language

Faculty Quote
"I have had Sierra in class for a few semesters now. I knew she had potential from day one. She was (and is) quick to pick up signs, applies beautiful non-manual markers, and translates linear English into visual ASL at a high level. It pained me to see that potential go untapped at the beginning. I am happy to say that this semester (ASL 104 and 105), she is applying herself 100% and it shows. Sierra has progressed leaps and bounds, and her grades are proof of it. I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished, even in the face of difficult health conditions. Stay positive and keep going. You are a shining light"
Nominated by Department of American Sign Language Faculty
Students of the Year 2022

Tykisha Edwards

Tykisha Edwards

Department of CalWORKs

Faculty Quote
"Considering the life challenges that Tykisha has overcome, she is committed to make a better future not only for herself and her children, but for others who are trying to find a better path in which to live.  Tykisha demonstrates that there is no situation that you cannot change if you have determination and perseverance to do so.  In spite the hardships that she has endured, Tykisha possesses an inner strength and self-assurance that are key factors to her success. 


Tykisha has expressed her gratitude for the EOPS, CARE and CalWORKs Programs.  She is grateful for all the services she has received especially the counseling sessions.  She said that she truly appreciates the guidance she has received throughout her academic journey at Crafton Hills College which helped her reach her academic goals.  She will be graduating this Spring 2022 with AS Health Sciences and AS Multiple Sciences.  She plans to transfer to a 4-year university for bachelor’s in Nursing.


Congratulations, Tykisha!"

Nominated by Department of CalWORKs Faculty and Staff
Students of the Year 2022

Dakota Erwin

Dakota Erwin

Department of Visual Arts

Faculty Quote
"Dakota Erwin is an Architecture/Fine Art student at Crafton Hills College. She has been active as a club president for the visual art department club, Art Collective. Her motivation and creative mind inspire the club members and she has the ability to lead and guide the team. She is a  positive, fun, and energetic person, and is a great tutor for many other students as well. She also has the infinite potential for growth artistically. I am thankful for her for being an amazing student cannot wait to see her being more and more successful."
Nominated by Department of Visual Arts Faculty
Students of the Year 2022

Eliseo R. Espinoza

Eliseo R. Espinoza

Veterans Resource Center

Faculty Quote
"Eli has proven to be a reliable team player for the VRC. He's graduating with an AS. Multiple Science and has been accepted to UC Riverside where he will continue his studies in Biology"
Nominated by Program Coordinator Mr. Steven Rush
Students of the Year 2022

Juan Fernandez

Juan Fernandez

Paramedic Program

Faculty Quote
"Juan took on a class leadership role and served as Class President for the program. In the skills lab, he took the initiative to ensure that each group knew where they were going and what they would be working on. He had excellent participation in each of the skills stations and was willing to help others when he saw that they were struggling. He came to class every day with a positive attitude, a strong work ethic, a sense of pride in his work, and a willingness to help others when he could. He was well prepared and participated in class discussions. He also spearheaded, with a lot of help from the Program Director, the minimize the amount of small plastic water bottles that were being thrown away. With permission from you and the administrative team, the class was able to purchase a larger water dispensing device for the classroom, dramatically decreasing the amount of plastic that was being thrown away. Juan ensured that our building custodian received a paramedic program class hat, as he recognized what an important role the custodian plays to their learning environment and safety during the pandemic"
Nominated by Amanda Ward, Director of the Paramedic Program
Students of the Year 2022

Emily Geronimo

Emily Geronimo

Department of American Sign Language

Faculty Quote
"Emily is taking ASL because she has always been fond of the language; she says, “seeing people communicate in ASL has always been intriguing and unique.” As she grew older, she remembers hearing, “the Deaf community does not have adequate enough representation neither by the hearing community or the Deaf community itself, especially in the medical field. Hearing this was devastating!” She decided to combine both her passions, ASL and the medical field. Emily’s goal is to become a nurse in a geriatric unit, while applying her knowledge of ASL for direct communication with her Deaf patients, as well as possible interpreting on the side. She describes her journey of learning ASL as a “joyful struggle.” Her determination and dedication is paying off. Emily had to take a semester off of ASL for personal reasons (something all language teachers dread), but despite her break in language use, she has picked up where she left off gracefully and effortlessness and is progressing beautifully. I am positive she will make a positive impact in the medical field, Deaf community, and society in general. Keep up the good work Emily!
Nominated by Department of American Sign Language Faculty
Students of the Year 2022

Juliette R. Gonzales

Juliette R. Gonzales

Veterans Resource Center

Faculty Quote
"Juliette is a dependent of a veteran. She was essential during the COVID shut down. Her ability to adjust to online VRC services ensured our veterans received the help they needed during a difficult online transition. Juliette is graduating with an AA/AAT in Psychology at the end of spring and is transferring to CSUSB in the fall"
Nominated by Program Coordinator Mr. Steven Rush
Students of the Year 2022

Samantha Grish

Samantha Grish

Department of Environmental Science

Faculty Quote
"Samantha is a great student with an interest in Environmental Sciences. She is definitely interested in conservation and would like to help protect the Earth as part of her career"
Nominated by Department of Environmental Science Prof. Rich Hughes
Students of the Year 2022

Dani Harris

Dani Harris

CARE Program

Faculty Quote
"Dani is a single mom of 1 daughter and another baby on the way.  Dani has had to overcome a lot of obstacles including suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.  It is debilitating at times and could cause one to give up but NOT Dani.  She continues to move forward with determination, committed to her goal of obtaining her bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies.  Her goal is to become a teacher.  Dani loves working with children.

Dani said that juggling kids, work and school is very tough, but it is doable.  She said that she was able to do it because of her determination and that she knows how to prioritize. In addition, she practices self-care.  She said that she takes the time to do something for herself, this is what re-energizes her and keeps her moving forward.

Dani is extremely thankful for the EOPS, CARE and CalWORKs Programs.  She said that without these programs, she wouldn’t be where she is at now.  Dani is graduating this Spring 2022 with AA Liberal Studies, AA American Sign Language and ASL Certificate of Achievement.  And she is graduating with Honors!  What an accomplishment and I am very proud of her.


Congratulations, Dani!"

Nominated by Nominated by CARE Program Faculty and Staff
Students of the Year 2022

Anthony R Hernandez

Anthony R Hernandez

Department of Anatomy & Physiology

Faculty Quote
"Mr. Anthony Hernandez is a father of two boys, a three-year-old and a six-month-old and has a beautiful wife that supports his academic transition into the medical field. He currently serves his community as a first responder in the career of law enforcement for the last ten years. He describes his Crafton Hills College experience as absolutely amazing. He enjoyed Anatomy & Physiology and applying it to the medical field. He also experienced very friendly students, extremely helpful instructors who act as mentors and keeping the subject matter interesting in a remote format. His academic goal is to earn an Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN) at San Bernardino Valley College and pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). His academic journey and career transition is fueled by his supportive family, personal experiences and passion to help those in need of medical assistance. In 2019, his first-born son was a Neonate Intensive Care Unit (NICU) baby. He watched doctors and nurses working side by side to nurse his son back to health. He was touched from a spiritual level and grateful for the hard work, schooling, and passion doctors and nurses put into their selected professions. He wants to answer the call to help the sick and provide professional care as a Registered Nurse (RN). Following the completion of a RN, he plans to continue on as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (NP).

Nominated by Dept. of Anatomy & Physiology Prof. Dr. Sam Truong
Students of the Year 2022

Isabelle Klass

Isabelle Klass

American Sign Language

Faculty Quote
"Isabelle is one of our younger students. Despite still being in high school, she is mature beyond her years. Not only does she learn quickly, participates regularly in our hybrid class, helps her peers both in and out of class (she is also our ASL campus tutor), but she challenges herself and faculty by engaging in deep and controversial conversations (very respectfully), to the point where both she and the professors grow from the experience. She is confident, honest, and dedicated, among so many traits we wish all our students embodied. You have a bright future ahead of you Isabelle, both in the Deaf community and beyond. Keep it up! "
Nominated by Department of American Sign Language Faculty
Students of the Year 2022

Nadia Lopez

Nadia Lopez

Speech Communication

Faculty Quotes
"Nadia is a hard-working student who thrived during the difficulties of the pandemic. Her commitment to quality and self-starting nature worked to earn Nadia a position as one of the top students in the field of Communication Studies for these past two trying years"
Nominated by Dept. of Speech Communication Faculty and Staff
Students of the Year 2022

Grace McCray

Grace McCray

Department of Theater Arts

Faculty Quote
"Grace has not only served as the leader of the Theatre Club, she has been an outstanding student and been active in every stage production this year."
Nominated by Theatre Prof. Paul Jacques
Students of the Year 2022

Ernesto Mendoza Cordova

Ernesto Mendoza Cordova


Faculty Quote
"Ernesto is such a positive force and his smile every day on Zoom carried over to all of the students. I'm so proud of him for persevering and sincerely working hard so he could be most successful"
Nominated by Dept. of Humanities Faculty and Staff
Students of the Year 2022

Yasuna Morita

Yasuna Morita

Department of Music

Faculty Quote
"Talented musician"
Nominated by Music Prof. Mark McConnell
Students of the Year 2022

Grace Newlin

Honors Institute

Judy Cannon Director, Honors Institute

Faculty Quote
" Grace is an excellent student"
Nominated by Honors Institute
Students of the Year 2022

Gideon Ondap

Gideon Ondap

Department of Japanese

Faculty Quote
"Gideon made a great contribution to the student society of Japanese on campus. He is President of Japanese Study Club, working for club rush, making a presentation to other students as to the Japanese language and culture and their club activities. He is also helping other students learn Japanese by creating fun activities and field trips"
Nominated by Japanese Prof. Mayumi Ajioka
2022 Student of the Year

Natasha "Sasha" Paago

Honors Institute

Honors Institute

Faculty Quote
"Sasha Is devoted to serving others!"
Nominated by Judy Cannon Director, Honors Institute
Students of the Year 2022

Grace Peterson

Grace Peterson

Department of Mathematics

Faculty Quote
"Grace is an outstanding Mathematics and Statistics student. After being a successful student in Statistics, Grace has become a tutor working in the both tutoring center and directly in the classroom. She has been very helpful and encouraging for students struggling in Statistics. Grace has been accepted into both UCR and Cal Poly Pomona for Economics in the Fall"
Nominated by Department of Mathematics Faculty
Students of the Year 2022

Tara Quick

Tara Quick

Department of Theatre Arts

Faculty Quote
"Tara has been a student leader, stand out actor and an amazing scholar"
Nominated by Theatre Prof. Paul Jacques
Students of the Year 2022

Elijah Rodriguez

Elijah Rodriguez

Department of Respiratory Care

Faculty Quote
"Outstanding clinical performance and outstanding classroom performance. Elijah applies himself and inquires with faculty to ensure understanding. He supports his classmates learning and always maintains a professional and positive attitude"
Nominated by Department of Respiratory Care Faculty
Students of the Year 2022

Matthew J. Ryan Jr.

Matthew J. Ryan Jr

Department of Communication Studies

Faculty Quote
"I have had the pleasure of having Matthew Ryan in my small group communication course last semester and now currently in two of my classes. He immediately stood out as a stand out student. He is prompt to class. He’s always prepared. But most importantly he had an eagerness to learn and naturally leads his classmates in a fun, light-hearted manner. One day, Matt asked if we could talk after class. He came to me and talked to me about life. He opened up about his past University experience that did not go smoothly. So, he decided to come back home and came to CHC to start over! I’m so glad he did. That is where he accepted my mentorship. I’ve been able to see Matt grow into a confident communicator, leader, have a willingness to learn, and determination to be successful not just at school but in life. Matt is the epitome of a successful junior college student. He relishes in the challenges he faces, he is willing to learn while accepting he may not always be perfect, he loves to give back to his community and fellow classmates. I’ve actually seen Matt offer assistance (rides to and from school, to being friends with outsiders, help with school work, create study groups, and gather his small group together when they were feeling down). Furthermore I’ve seen Matt take in a stray dog (Dude) while it was laying limp in the street. I’ve seen him help a woman after a car accident and get her out of the car. He literally saved this woman’s life and still made it to class with bruises and cuts on himself, to submit his paper on-time to not let himself or me down. While he may not be an A student, he lives the life of excellence and doing all of this with a smile on his face. Overall this young man deserves to be recognized. I’m so proud that he is determined to go after his dream and switched to his new passion of Communication Studies. With the Pandemic and the constant frustration of life, I haven’t seen a student like Matthew Ryan in a long time. He’s a breath of fresh air and it’s my honor and privilege to nominate this young man"
Nominated by Dr. Heather Gilmore
Students of the Year 2022

Maribel Santana

Maribel Santana

Department of Spanish

Faculty Quote
"Stellar student"
Nominated by Dept of Spanish Faculty and Staff
Students of the Year 2022

Alyssa Serrato

Alyssa Serrato

Department of Geology

Faculty Quote
"Alyssa is a top notch student in the geosciences. She has also worked as a tutor and an SI for introductory geology and is an active member of the honors program"
Nominated by Geology Professor Rich Hughes
Students of the Year 2022

Ewanivaldo Skelton

Ewanivaldo Skelton

Department of Sociology

Faculty Quote
"Interesting life story, overcame great obstacles, outstanding student"
Nominated by Department of Sociology
Students of the Year 2022

Daniel Soeprono

Daniel Soeprono

University Transfer Center

Faculty Quote
"Daniel has worked undoubtedly hard to graduate from Crafton with three degrees and prepare for transfer. He has taken one class at a time in over 16 years. Although the challenges have been plenty, he has persevered and is a true testament to the Crafton spirit "
Nominated by University Transfer Center
Students of the Year 2022

Rebecca Sousa

Rebecca Sousa

Department of Disabled Student Services

Faculty Quote
"Rebecca has been nominated for her hard work, excellent communication skills, strong advocacy ability and exceptional educational accomplishments"
Nominated by Department of Disabled Student Services Faculty and Staff