Dave Lundeen Memorial Scholarship Fund

Dave was born in Covina, CA on May 7, 1952. Dave grew up in Wisconsin before moving to Baldwin Park with his family and graduating from Baldwin Park High School.
Dave was a graduate of the 3rd paramedic program at Crafton Hills College and served his community as a paramedic for 37 years.
Dave was as a front-line first responder for the bulk of his career with Cole Schaefer Ambulance Services where he was honored as Paramedic of the year in 1996. Dave was a fan of the TV series, Emergency, and was featured in an episode along with his long-time partner, Alex.
Dave was an avid reader, reading everything he could get his hands on. His favorite subjects included the moon landing and astronomy, and he could answer most trivia questions, often from family who would call if they were debating a topic.
Dave had two children, a son David Jr. who lives in Louisiana and a daughter, Jessica, who lives in Utah. Dave also has one sister, Katie, who lives in Arizona
Dave loved to cook, especially his signature dish, Popperkosh, and his delicious, mashed potatoes.
Dave will be remembered for his musical talents, playing both the guitar and mandolin. Dave and his friend Scott wrote music and lyrics producing an album with all original songs performed by Dave and his son. Scott and Dave played as a duet and even went pro for a few years, including sharing a stage with Dionne Warwick.
Dave enjoyed Halloween, and his favorite TV show was the Walking Dead. He loved baseball, playing the game in his youth, and even being featured in the local paper for pitching a no hitter. Dave was a life-long fan of the LA Dodgers and the LA Rams.
Everybody loved Dave and he is remembered most for his incredible sense of humor.
Dave Lundeen passed away October 22, 2020. In loving memory of Dave, his wife of 37 years, Grace, has established this scholarship to support students in the Crafton Hills College Paramedic Program that he graduated from and loved. Her hope is to educate more paramedics in Dave’s honor.
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