Clothing Accepted
- Interview Appropriate Suits, Collar Shirts, and Blouses
- Professional Separates including Blouses, Slacks, Skirts, Dresses, Blazers, Jackets, and Sweaters
- Career/Work Appropriate Accessories: Shoes, Belts, Ties, Scarves, Light Jewelry, New Hosiery, Under Garments (Slips, Camisole)
Clothing Not Accepted
- Clothes with stains, tears
- Out of date clothing, no more than 10 yeas old
- Casual Attire: Jeans, T’ Shirts, Sweatshirts, Jean Jackets
- Low cut Blouses, Short excessively tight Skirts or Dresses
- Tennis Shoes, Sandals
- Bright Neon Color Clothing
- Formal/Evening Wear (Tuxedos/Gowns)
Career Clothing Campaign:
Would your organization like to help Crafton Hills College students by “Filling” the Career Clothing Closet?
- Need a contact Person
- Location of Your Organization –with at least 5 or more members of your Organization
- Set a date(s) for your Donation Campaign at your organizations site, or pre-determined sites off campus.
- We will provide 2 Campaign Posters, and electronic Flyer marketing the campaign at least 2 weeks prior to the determined campaign date(s).
- We will work with you for Pick-up/Drop Off of all items donated
- Organization will receive a “Letter of Contribution & thanks for your support”
- Overall Estimated Value donated will be determined and acknowledged
More Information: Phone: 909-389-3399, Email: