What Does Engage Look Like? - Crafton Hills College
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Students and employees engage in three capacities:

level of effort ● depth of connection ● quality of participation

Engaged Students...

Engaged Employees...

Level of Effort
  • Study intensely outside of class
  • Complete all assignments with excellence
  • Attend every class
  • Focus intensely
  • Come to every class fully prepared
  • Push themselves academically
  • Work daily toward educational goals
  • Diligently manage time
  • Carefully organize  studies
  • Anticipate problems and initiate solutions
  • Work to improve the College
  • Are passionate about work
  • Deliberately tie daily work to student success
  • Prioritize work around strategic plans of college
  • Consistently improve skills
  • Consciously represent the College on and off campus
Depth of Connection
  • Build a relationship with at least one professor
  • Find a mentor or confidante on campus
  • Attend campus events
  • Seek guidance and support from teachers during office hours
  • Study with other students
  • Develop friendships with CHC friends
  • Become an active member of a College club/organization
  • Get to know students
  • Get to know colleagues
  • Attend campus events
  • Participate in a College club/organization
  • Build teamwork in area/department
  • Help colleagues with work
  • Help other employees feel part of the campus
Quality of Participation
  • Contribute to the classroom dialogue/discussion
  • Volunteer for activities
  • Invite other students to engage on campus
  • Invite faculty/staff to engage on campus
  • Learn about and access college services for greater success
  • Work collaboratively with a counselor to develop an academic plan
  • Participate in shared governance
  • Take leadership roles across campus
  • Help students engage with the College
  • Help colleagues engage with students/each other
  • Participate in the ongoing development of area
  • Participate in the ongoing development of the College