POLIT 104 - Comparative Politics
Introductory course in comparative political systems, movements and ideologies, including politics in the industrialized democracies, post-communist countries, and the Third World. Analysis of the cross-cultural similarities and differences of various countries and their politics. Introduction to the comparative method.
Media Sources
- France 24
- The Connexion (French News in English)
- The French Test (Le Monde Column in English)
- DW (German News Source)
- The Local (German News in English)
- EU Observer
- Euronews
- The Local: News from Europe
- Ashai Shinbun (Japan)
- Japan Times
- Japan Today
- NHK World-Japan
- India News Network
- NDTV (India)
- Brazilian Report
- Rio Times
- Opinion: Bolsonaro Said His Specialty is Killing (NYT, 3/31/22)
- Mexico News Daily
- Vallarta Daily (Mexico)
- Mexico Today
- Africa News
- SABC News (S. Africa)
- News 24 (S. Africa)
- The South African
- Channels Television (Nigeria)
- Premium Times (Nigeria)
- Politics Nigeria (APC)
- Nigeria: PDP Website
- TASS (Russia Official)
- Moscow Times (Independent)
- IRNA (Iran Gov.)
- Tehran Times
- CGTN (Chinese Gov.)
- Xinhau (Chinese Gov.)
- China Daily
- South China Morning Post
- Hong Kong Free Press
- Introduction to Comparative Politics: Categorizing the World
- Forms of Government (World 101)
- History of Britain in 20 Minutes
- How Do They Teach the American Revolution in Britain?
- The Entire History of France in 23 Minutes
- Semi-Presidential France
- A Quick History of Germany
- How the German Government Works
- How Do German Schools Teach About WWII?
- The European Union-Summary on a Map
- The Animated History of Japan
- Why Japan Didn't Become a Superpower
- How Do the Japanese Teach About WWII?
- Colonialism: Crash Course Geography
- Imperialism: Crash Course World History
- Theories of Global Stratification (Crash Course)
- World Systems Theory, Dependency Theory and Global Inequality
- Dependency Theory
- 5,000 Years of India
- History of Colonialism in India
- History of the US in 25 Minutes
- Decolonization and Nationalism Triumphant (Crash Course History)
- War and Nation Building in Latin America (Crash Course History)
- Brief Political History of Latin America
- The Animated History of Brazil
- What Kind of Economic Legacy Will Bolsanaro Leave Behind?
- Brazilian Elections 2018 (Last Week Tonight w/ John Oliver)
- The Animated History of Mexico
- History of Mexico: All You Need to Know
- Mexico: The Frozen Revolution
- History of the PRI
- Mexican Elections 2018 (Last Week Tonight w/ John Oliver)
- Mexican Politics Brief
- Geopolitics of Mexico
- Colonization of Africa: Summary on a Map
- Brief History of The Scramble for Africa
- History Summarized: South Africa
- The Rise and Fall of South Africa's "Apartness" Laws
- Sun City (United Artists Against Apartheid, 1985)
- Ladysmith Black Mambazo
- Why is South Africa Still So Segregated
- South African Frustrations Rising (eNCA 2/2022)
- The Underlying Causes of Killing South African Politicians (5/2022)
- Historic Losses for ANC (11/21)
- History of Nigeria in 6 Minutes
- How Nigeria Became Extremely Corrupt
- Nigerian Oil and the Disappearing Money (Al Jazeera)
- Has Colinisation Continued to Shape Nigeria's Politics?
- Analyzing Nigeria's 2023 Election (Opposition)
- Assessing Nigeria's Current Political System (5/22)
- History of Russia in 10 Minutes
- Russian Capitalism After Communism
- How is Stalin Taught in Russia?
- From Stalin to Putin
- A Brief History of Modern Ukraine (BBC)
- What Caused the War? Ukraine and Russia in Historical Context
- What Do Russians Think Now? (One Month In)
- Islam and Politics (Crash Course World History)
- Israel and Palestine Conflict (Crash Course World History)
- Geography Now! Israel
- A Super Quick History of Iran
- Persia Before Khomeni (1900-1978)
- Iran's Revolutions (Crash Course World History)
- Ruling Iran: Khamenei (BBC, Part I)
- Ruling Iran: Khamenei (BBC, Part II)
- Geography Now! Iran
- How Does the Political System in Iran Work?
- Inside Iran: What's Next? (The Economist)
- Iran v. America (The Economist)
- Why Disgruntled Iranians Boycotted Their Election
- History of China in 20 Minutes
- Communists, Nationalists, and China's Revolution (Crash Course World History)
- China Since Mao in One Minute
- Why is Communist China Doing So Well?
- How China Has So Many Billionaires
- Democracy, Authoritarianism, and China (Crash Course World History)
Additional Reading Materials
- Marx and Lenin (Imperialism and Dependency Theory)
- American Exceptionalism: A Double-edged Sword by Seymour Martin Lipset
- Barrington Moore
- The Hannah Arendt Papers