What kind of advice would you give to someone about a flipped classroom?
How It Works
Professor Shimeld is flipping her class by having students consume lecture material
outside of class and then using class time to do more interactive and collaborative
work. View these slides to get a sense of how it works.
Professor Shimeld is flipping her class by having students consume lecture material
outside of class and then using class time to do more interactive and collaborative
work. Take a look at these slides to get a sense of how it works.
In-class, Professor Shimeld puts students at the center of the learning. They present
and Shimeld hops in and out of the learning experience.
A different group of students presents about every 10 minutes. The students present
for a few minutes and Shimeld comments for a few minutes. This creates a good pacing
to the session.
Professor Shimeld interacts with the presenters during and after each presentation.
This holds presenters accountable to deep learning.
A possible downside is the presentations from students are not as good as a presentation
from Shimeld, but . . .
Shimeld often follows up the student presentation with a discussion of ideas/concepts
with the entire class. This is lecture quality material, but it feels more like discussion.
VERY effective.
What Students Think
What do you like about a flipped classroom?
Do you feel like you get to know people better in this setting?