FAQ - Crafton Hills College
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We are a student-run literary and arts magazine at Crafton Hills College that publishes work sent in by artists in the community, and beyond. 

A literary and arts magazine is much like it sounds. We are dedicated to publishing different forms of literature and art, now including submissions of music and lyrics, illustrated fiction, and creative non-fiction.

To name a few of the different kinds of art that we publish: prose, poetry, creative nonfiction, illustrated fiction, photography, visual and digital art including paintings, photography, drawings, pottery, sculptures, music, and lyrics.

In short, anyone. We focus mainly on our community near Crafton Hills College, but we would love to read, look at, watch, and hear your submissions no matter where you are located! If you have any piece of work that you would believe would fit our 2024 theme of Unmasking, please submit it!

Yes, when we set a theme for each edition, we are hoping to tell a story that fully explores the meaning of the theme and its various interpretations. We require each submission to have some connection to the theme to be published but we look for connections in the most unexpected places.

We will accept your submissions via email SCRsubmissions@gmail.com with a subject line containing the type of submission (art, poetry, music, literature, etc.).

Along with the submission of your work we also ask that you submit a cover page containing your name, address, email address and a 50-word, third person biography. You may also include a short introduction to your piece.

If you are submitting a work of music include a digital file and if possible, a link to Soundcloud, YouTube, etc. with lyrics. 

Friday, March 7th, 2025

We try and get back to our participants as soon as possible but the final date that you will hear back from us is by the end of April. 

You can submit up to 7 pieces of art and photography, 3 pieces of illustrated fiction (comics), 5 songs (15 minutes total), 10 pages of poetry, and 4,500 words of fiction or creative non-fiction. Submissions across categories are welcome!

You are more than welcome to resubmit a new piece of work. If you wish to resubmit the same piece before the final deadline, we would like to see significant updates and revisions. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any submissions past the deadline date.

We understand that art is subjective to all, but we ask that you do not submit offensive and inappropriate work. Any work we judge as inappropriate or offensive will not be published.

All of our previous editions are free to download online on our Previous Editions page. Each edition is a unique and incredible magazine created by Crafton Hills students and we are proud of every single one.

Rebirth is one phase of an infinite cycle of creation and destruction. Everything created is composed from the scattered pieces of something that came and vanished before. For something to be destroyed, there must first be something to destroy. Our theme calls for artists to examine the cycle of rebirth and what it means to them to create, to destroy, and to be reborn.


If you have any questions that are not listed here please reach out to us at SCRsubmissions@gmail.com with a subject line of “Question”. 

We cannot wait for your submissions!