Sunset Hike to Zanja Peak - Crafton Hills College
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Publish Date: April 26, 2022

On March 9, over twenty CHC students, faculty, staff, friends, and family members climbed Zanja Peak in Yucaipa. Three Peaks events are organized to challenge students and remind the campus community that students are more likely to succeed when they summit the three peaks: Engage, Learn and Advance.

This activity helped students engage with each other, forge new friendships, and begin to feel a sense of normalcy following a pandemic that has hindered face-to-face interactions over the past two years. The 4.3-mile round-trip hike challenged students physically, and by the time the group made it down the trail, there was a sense of comradery with many of the students heading out for a bite to eat together.

The Three-Peaks committee is planning a Mt Baldy hike on May 7 with preparation meetings on April 21 and 22 and a pre-hike back to Zanja Peak on April 27.