API Letter to ASCCC Published in April Rostrum - Crafton Hills College
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Publish Date: May 19, 2022

Chloe de los Reyes, Dirkson Lee, and Bethany Tasaka authored an article titled An Open Letter to Academic Senates for the Academic Senate of California Community Colleges’ (ASCCC) April Rostrum. This article was developed from a letter written by the Asian Pacific Islander Association (APIA) to the leadership of the San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD). The authors are also part of the statewide Asian Pacific Islander Caucus, a group that represents API faculty from community colleges across the state. According to de los Reyes, “The letter’s purpose is to raise awareness of the concerns that our API colleagues have during this time, especially with regards to mental health and safety.” The trio called for proactive, intentional, and ongoing support for the community.

“We are calling on our colleagues to stand with us and to offer support during a very stressful time for us,” de los Reyes continued. “This is particularly important because media coverage has tapered in the last few months but acts of violence and attacks on APIs continue.”

The letter requests for the ASCCC’s support of the efforts of the API Caucus at the statewide level and hopes the message will serve as a starting point to providing ongoing support to API individuals within the California community colleges and serves as a foundation for working with others in the community college system. It also calls for community colleges to find ways to support their API students and employees. This is a time for solidarity.