CHC Faculty and Administrators Attend the IE Black Education Congress - Crafton Hills College
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Publish Date: May 19, 2022

BLU’s Inland Empire Black Education Congress was held on Saturday, April 23. The BLU Educational Foundation began its work in 2001 in response to the higher education challenges faced by families with limited income and limited opportunities in California’s Inland Empire.

The Black Education Congress event was held in support of the Inland Empire Black Education Agenda that identified five priority areas: (1) academic success, (2) Black history, (3) college and career access, (4) effective teachers, and (5) graduation rates to improve Black student achievement in the Inland Empire. The focus of this event was to identify steps and detailed strategies for each participating organization so that they will be able to meet these educational priorities.

Closing the racial equity gap in education takes intentionality and long- term commitment. Participants from CHC worked together to develop strategies that will be implemented at the College to impact educational outcomes for black students.