Renée Azenaro Exhibitions, Artist Talk, and Publications 2022 - Crafton Hills College
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Publish Date: Sept. 5, 2022

Renée Azenaro Exhibitions, Artist Talk, and Publications 2022

CHC Fine Arts Professor and Faculty Chair Renée Azenaro has been busy outside of the classroom. She was recently featured at various exhibitions throughout southern California, was a presenter for an Artist Talk session and has also appeared in a publication.

Azenaro stated that the importance of exhibiting artwork as a practicing, professional artist is more than exposure to gallerists, curators, peers, and art professionals; but it is also bringing the life of the artwork to others outside of the studio environment, where gallery visitors bring their own thoughts, observations and questions about the artwork.

The relationship between the viewer and the art is an important one which imbues the art experience with new insights and perspectives.

“As an educator and professional artist, it is important to maintain a studio work ethic and professional presence in the artworld so that I may bring current knowledge of my discipline directly into the studio classroom. Sharing of process and professionalism with my students helps to make art come alive and relevant in their lives, simultaneously broadening their understanding and making connections beyond the classroom,” stated Azenaro.

Types of Exhibitions: Juried Art Exhibitions are competitions in which artists submit artwork images which may be selected for a particular art exhibit and are selected by a juror – a juror may view thousands of submissions and select only a handful for an exhibition. Invitational Exhibits are when the curator of the exhibit is familiar with the artist’s body of work and invites the artist to participate in a particular exhibition. Both types may include a feature for Artist Talk where the artists can answer questions from attendees.

Azenaro’s 2022 Featured Juried Art
“Women in Art” Las Lagunas Gallery,
Laguna Beach, CA
“What’s Next” Women Artists Address the
Future, Burbank, CA
“What’s Next” Artist Talk
“Festering” a mixed-media painting was
selected for Dream House, a color printed
zine of artworks by artists influenced by,
and responding to, the 50th anniversary of

Azenaro’s 2022 Invitational Exhibition: “NOW” Group exhibit at the Bendix Building, DTLA