Meet the new Student Trustee Member of the CCT Board: Elijah Gerard
Publish Date: Sept. 6, 2019

Please join us in congratulating Elijah Gerard, Student Trustee from San Bernardino
CCD, on his election to the California Community College Trustees (CCCT) Board.
Mr. Gerard was elected by his peers at the 2019 Student Trustees Workshop on Saturday,
August 17, and will serve a one-year term on the CCCT Board.
Mr. Gerard is a student at Crafton Hills College currently pursuing a degree in cultural
anthropology and in philosophy and hopes to transfer to a UC. His main advocacy points
are increasing student input as well as the diversity of student input and changing
Education Code 72023.5 to increase the value of Student Trustees.
Mr. Gerard looks forward to his service on the CCCT Board and meeting experienced
individuals who will fight for higher education for all.