Crafton Hills College Foundation Awards Scholarships - Crafton Hills College
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Publish Date: June 18, 2020

The Crafton Hills College Foundation awarded $161,950 in scholarships to more than 170 students. Due to the campus closure, the awarding of scholarships took place via email to each of the student recipients. This change didn’t seem to affect their excitement as many of the students were very quick to reply with a “thank you” expressing their appreciation, including a few who even sent personal video messages that will be shared with their donors.

Forty-nine volunteers served on the scholarship committee to read, review, and score the scholarship applications. With over 370 applicants, and many of the students eligible for multiple scholarships, the committee had their work cut out for them.

Development Coordinator Carrie Audet, who oversees the scholarship program at the college, says the college depends on volunteers. “We depend on our scholarship committee to review the applications and we absolutely could not do this without their help,” Audet stated. She explained that this year was especially challenging as the timeline for review landed just as the campus modified classes and services to a remote format. Audet explained, “some of our ‘regulars’ were not able to help this year as we had just gone online, but luckily there were others who were able to step up this year to volunteer.”

The scholarships are funded through the CHC Foundation and made possible by more than 15 organizations and 100 individual donors who contribute annually. The scholarship recipient’s pictures and bios are posted on the college website as a virtual recognition and in place of the traditional in-person convocation ceremony.