Crafton Adjunct Professor Publishes Poetry in Prestigious Regional Journal - Crafton Hills College
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Publish Date: Jan. 19, 2021

Edward Ferrari,Adjunct Professor of English at Crafton Hills College, has had two poems published in the regionally focused journal Inlandia, the official publication of the local non-profit Inlandia Institute. Ferrari, a British citizen who immigrated to the United States in 2014 and who began work at Crafton in 2015 as a writing tutor, sees his position as an outsider as pivotal to both his writing and his work as an educator. “You see things differently when you’re not from a place,” Ferrari said, “and often this means small, familiar, intimate things take on a kind of magic that can be otherwise overlooked.”
English Professor at California State University San Bernardino Dr. Jessica Luck, who specializes in the study of contemporary poetry stated that it is his works “rootedness in our fragile and flawed community” that makes it special, adding that she is personally “glad to have [him] as a poetic voice” for the region.
Ferrari’s poems are often based on specific local settings as indicated by titles in his forthcoming chapbook High Fire Weather. These include “Lincoln Memorial Shrine, Redlands,” “UCR Botanic Gardens,” and “Olive Avenue.” Ferrari says that he has found adapting to life away from his family difficult but that he has found in Crafton and in the Inland Empire a new place he can call home.
His poems “Olive Avenue” and “Damage” are available to read and listen to on the Inlandia Institute’s website at