LifeStream Returning to Campus! - Crafton Hills College
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Publish Date: Aug. 3, 2021

Since 1997, Crafton Hills College has hosted 121 blood drives and collected 4,544 pints of blood. Potentially saving the lives of over 12,000 people. Mark your calendars to help continue this legacy.

Giving the gift of life through blood donation is easy!

  1. Sign up for an appointment
  2. Arrive at the bloodmobile in the campus quad where you will sign in, complete a brief questionnaire about your health history, and a licensed LifeStream staff member will check your blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and iron levels.
  3. Your blood is drawn by a skilled medical professional using new, sterile, and disposable material.

That’s it! You will have made a lifesaving difference in the lives of patients in need.