Meet Your Student Senate President
Publish Date: Aug. 15, 2014

Time Management Key to Student Senate President Crystal Sultzbaugh
Wife…mother… full-time college student… Phi Beta Lambda member… Student Senate president. Crystal Sultzbaugh is one busy woman! "I like to be involved and I have high aspirations," she said.
Sultzbaugh just completed a full load of summer classes and is now planning her year as Student Senate president. She got involved with Senate after hearing about it on a campus tour led by a Senate member. "I liked the idea of having a sense of community," she said. She ended up serving as secretary that year.
"Student Senate is like having a second family. We're always there for each other and support each other. It's such an integral part of the school. We get to do awesome things. Last year we dressed as Zombies for the campus emergency drill, and I really scared Rebeccah (Warren-Marlatt)," she said. "And being part of commencement is great because you get to see your friends graduate. I enjoyed helping at the Gala as well, and the Presidential Inauguration."
Fun stuff aside, Sultzbaugh has her eye on a more important role: Judge. She plans to finish her associate's degree in business next spring and then transfer to Cal State, San Bernardino. At CSUSB, she'll major in business and add in psychology, either as a double major or a minor. Plus she'll take paralegal classes. Next step is USC law school, she hopes, focusing on corporate and family law.
Why the drive to be a judge? Sultzbaugh said she went through a long, drawn-out divorce several years ago where she had no representation. "I had to do the research and represent myself. It was very daunting." She saw how the judge always had her son's best interest in mind and how important that was to someone who is not able to afford a lawyer. "Going through that season of my life made me think I want to make a difference, especially for kids,"Sultzbaugh said.
In the meantime, Sultzbaugh has goals as Student Senate president. "I'd like to see more involvement between Student Senate and the Clubs," she said. But a personal goal is to bring water refill stations to Crafton Hills. "I'm passionate about the environment and have been helping a friend implement recycling on campus. This would be another great step." Other students expressed an interest when she presented water refill stations in her platform running as Senate president. "I know it may not happen while I'm still here, but at least I can get the process started," she said.
In the free time she does have, Sultzbaugh likes to sew, knit and crochet. She's also in a book club, currently reading a book from the Divergent series. Where does she find the time?