Anthony Abate - Crafton Hills College
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Because of You
Anthony is succeeding!

“The professors and counselors at Crafton Hills College were the first people ever, in my entire life, who saw value in ME!”
– Anthony Abate

Anthony Abate was a high school dropout who felt defeated by the education system when he entered the doors of Crafton Hills College. He had been bullied in the past and told repeatedly that educational success was not an option for him. On his first day, he arrived two hours early and almost turned the car around as the voices in his head convinced him that he would fail again.

With only a 10th grade level education, it was an uphill battle. Anthony worked with professors and counselors who not only helped him academically but also increased his self-confidence.
Anthony soon learned that Crafton Hills College was exactly
what he needed.

A scholarship awarded by the Crafton Hills College Foundation
reduced Anthony’s financial barriers. Able to focus solely on his
academic success, he was accepted into the Crafton Hills College Honors Program and realized that nothing was out of his reach.

Anthony used his new-found confidence as the commencement speaker on his graduation day from Crafton Hills College. Anthony is succeeding!

Because of donors like you, Anthony regained his self-value, acquired an education and will go on to do great things. As you can see, your donation matters!