Distance Education Program Committee - Crafton Hills College
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  1. Developing policies and procedures that promote equity in distance education and ensure that decisions related to distance education are based on evidence and data, 
  2. Reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of distance education programs, with a particular focus on equity and evidence-based decision making, 
  3. Promoting the use of data and evidence in decision making related to distance education, including the use of assessment data, student feedback, and research on best practices, 
  4. Collaborating with other committees and departments to ensure that distance education policies and practices are aligned with the institution's equity and diversity goals and evidence-based decision-making principles, 
  5. Identifying and addressing any barriers to equity in distance education, including access to technology, resources, and support services, and ensuring that decisions related to distance education are based on evidence and data, 
  6. Providing regular updates to the institution on the progress and effectiveness of distance education policies and practices in promoting equity and evidence-based decision making, 
  7. Collaborating with faculty and staff to ensure that distance education programs are designed and delivered in ways that meet the needs of all students, including those from diverse backgrounds and with different learning styles, and that decisions related to distance education are based on evidence and data, 
  8. Making recommendations for DE pathways, 
  9. Making recommendations for technologies associated with distance learning and best practices in distance education programming, 
  10. Making recommendations related to the continued growth, quality, and success of the college’s DE program, 
  11. Making recommendations for professional development to address evaluation findings, 
  12. Conducting review and verification of DE instructor training, in collaboration with SBVC, consistent with regulations and the+ collective bargaining agreement, 
  13. Conducting revision and updates to the DE portion of the CHC website (student and faculty pages) and customized micro-courses, 
  14. Conducting regular program planning and review; making revisions to and recommendations for the CHC Distance Education (DE) Plan to ensure compliance with state and national DE standards, regulations, and guidelines, 
  15. Serving as a liaison body with CVC Exchange.  


At least two faculty, including as many of the following individuals as possible:

  • DE Faculty Lead
  • At least one representative from Counseling
  • At least one representative from Library Services
  • At least one representative from Tutoring
  • At least one representative from Curriculum
  • At least one representative from Professional Development Committee
  • At least one representative from Peer Online Course review (POCR) DISCUSS

At least two staff (one Classified Senate and one CSEA appointment), including as many of the following individuals as possible:

  • At least one representative from A&R
  • At least one representative from Research
  • At least one representative from SAS
  • At least one representative from Campus Technology Services
  • At least one representative from District DE Team
  • At least one representative from Student Support Services DISCUSS

At least one student (Student Senate appointment)

At least two managers, including as many of the following individuals as possible:

  • Admin Responsible for DE
  • VPI or designee
  • VPSS or designee
  • At least one representative from Institutional Advancement


Term: Two years