Dual Enrollment Task Force
The Dual Enrollment Task Force’s primary focus is to recommend a process into the successful and efficient implementation of dual enrollment at Crafton Hills College while ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal guidelines for dual enrollment programs. The Task Force will be formed for two years. If at the end of two years, the task force believes that it needs to be a permanent committee a proposal will be taken to Crafton Council.
- Using qualitative and quantitative data to inform recommendations on implementing dual enrollment processes including persistence data, barriers to student access that may prevent students from participating (e.g.: financial, geographic, academic obstacles, etc.), increasing student success, and goal attainment.
- Make process recommendations to increase student success among Disproportionately Impacted groups: Latinx and Black / African American students.
- Make recommendations to ensure that college processes are followed consistently.
- Make recommendations to ensure that equitable teaching environments are being maintained.
- Make recommendations to ensure that scheduling practices align with college practices.
- Make recommendations on dual enrollment processes to address closures, rules and processes at the high schools, parking, etc.
- Evaluating on-going dual enrollment trends.
- Collect and incorporate feedback from faculty, students, administrators, and high school districts to inform the process for the scheduling of dual enrollment classes.
- Up to 6 Managers (to be determined)
- Up to 6 Faculty (Academic Senate will recommend the faculty chairs of departments with dual enrollment classes; recommending at least two from both Math and English)
- Up to 6 classified professionals (three appointed by CSEA; three appointed by Classified Senate)
- 1 Student (appointed by Student Senate)
Term: Two years (for appointee)