Planning and Program Review Committee - Crafton Hills College
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Committee Charge

The charge of the Planning and Program Review (PPR) Committee is to advance continual, sustainable quality improvement at all levels of the institution, with an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Toward that end, the committee conducts a thorough and comprehensive review of each unit at the college on a cyclical basis and oversees the annual college-wide planning process.  The results of planning and program review inform the integrated planning and resource allocation process at the college, and are aligned with the district strategic planning process. The committee relies on quantitative and qualitative evidence to evaluate programs, develop recommendations to the President, and determine and implement improvements to the PPR process.


  • Two Vice Presidents (VPAS, VPSS or VPI)
  • Five additional faculty (at least one from Student Services and one is recommended from each of the instructional divisions)
  • Two classified representatives (one Classified Senate and one CSEA) 
  • One Student Senate appointee
  • One member from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning
  • Dean, Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning (chair)


  • Caroline Aguirre
  • Cheryl DiBartolo
  • Shirley Juan
  • Mahen Kanakkahwage (Student Senate appointee)
  • Meridyth McLaren
  • Giovanni Sosa (Committee Chair)
  • Delmy Spencer
  • Diana Vaichis
  • Keith Wurtz
  • Ruby Zuniga

Term: Annual appointment

Planning & Program Review Materials

The resources below (PPR Handbook, Schedule, Timeline) are provided for reference, but you can find all Planning and Program Review (PPR) materials on the OIERP PPR resource page.

Access the PPR Web Tool using your district network email and password.