In-Service Day Three - Crafton Hills College
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January 17th

Show your Crafton Pride - wear green and gold.

Continental breakfast will be provided in CCR 151 -  Roadrunner Café. 

Introduction of SBCCD board members and various campus updates.

Presented by CHC President, Kevin Horan.

Location: CCR 151 - Roadrunner Café

Learn how to create a welcoming and supportive campus environment for undocumented immigrant students.

·Increase faculty and staff knowledge and effectiveness about the needs, concerns, and issues of undocumented students and their families

Educate faculty and staff about relevant immigrant laws impacting students and related student issues and challenges.

Presented by TODEC Legal Center (Training Occupational Development Educating Communities)

Location: CCR 151 - Roadrunner Café

Please take a short break and return in ten minutes.

Welcome remarks and SBCCD updates from Chancellor, Dr. Diana Rodriguez, and Trustee, Dr. Nathan Gonzales. 

The keynote will focus on the transformative potential of AI in education, workforce readiness, and emerging technologies.

Guillermo Diaz, founder of Conectado, and Oszie Tarula, Chief Creative Officer of Conectado.

Location: CCR 151 - Roadrunner Café 

Lunch is provided by The Foundation.

Academic Senate updates presented by Meridyth McLaren.

Location:  LRC 231 (auditorium)

Classified Senate updates presented by Karen Peterson.

Location:  CCR 233

Head to resprespective division/department meetings.

Student Services will be open to students starting at 2:30 p.m.

Career Education and Human Development - East 104

Language, Arts and Academic Support- CCR 151

Social Information and Natural Sciences - LRC 231 (auditorium)